A redesign of the website consists of a complete overhaul: modernizing its graphic charter, modifying or adding functionalities and integrating the latest SEO standards.

Many good reasons can trigger a website redesign project, unsuitable site for mobiles, tablets and smartphones, site is not optimized for a good SEO, change of activity or image, Your site is not secure, a technical problem on an existing site, loading times too long, intuitive navigation, lack of features, objectives not achieved: in terms of traffic or sales, an aging and old-fashioned design that no longer corresponds to the trends of web design.

Are you concerned with redesigning your website?

It’s time to think about a radical (full site creation) or partial (makeover) redesign that only concerns the design part of the website. Be aware however that the first impression is often decisive, which is why a real graphic makeover can modernize your digital presence, attract and convert new customers and add value to your image and your business.

Webmastering services related to WordPress

As a web integrator, webdesigner, front-end developer, I offer a tailored website redesign service. I propose you my services of integration HTML5 and CSS3 of your models Psd on various open source platforms WordPress, Prestahop, Drupal …

  • Graphic redesign site html5 / css3
  • Graphic redesign WordPress website
  • Redesign e-commerce website
  • Integration of new features
  • SEO improvement
  • Reduced loading time
  • Responsive design
  • Creating a new website with CMS
  • Website creation HTML5 / CSS3
  • PSD mockup integration into a WordPress theme
  • HTML integration
  • Creation PSD graphic charter

Vous avez besoin de faire une refonte site web ?

contact me

How to successfully redesign website?

Before you embark on this web mission, whether technically or graphically, it is essential to properly frame and correctly define your goals to ensure the success of the redesign of your website. Opt for a flat design, think “Mobile First” and choose Responsive Design, simplify the back office by choosing a flexible CMS (WordPress, Prestashop), optimize the loading time of your mobile site, optimize SEO friendly SEO and to adapt to changes in Google’s algorithm, increase the interactivity of your website with social networks.

Do you have a web project ?

It all starts by sending me a message to discuss your project.

As a professional web developer and programmer, your project has added value.

(+212) 7 00 69 79 20