The English word Respnsive Web Design refers to the technique of designing a unique website that adapts automatically to the resolution of the screen on which it is displayed: computer, mobile, notebook, tablet, smartphone … By consulting the recently published statistics 80% of Internet users today have a smartphone, 79% of mobile users use their smartphone to read an email, we see that responsive design is no longer an option. It has become obligatory!

The design of adaptive websites avoids the development of multiple versions of a website and also provides an optimal browsing experience for the user, no need to have a specific mobile version of your website in addition to the desktop version, so you make a serious saving of money!

The CSS3 media queries specification allows you to target devices based on their resolution, so a web page or image resizes to fit the screen size. content formatting automatically adapts, that is, content displayed on three columns for a widescreen, can switch to a vertical presentation on a column on a phone screen.


The benefits of responsive web design


Google penalizes your site if it is not adapted to mobiles. Getting the “mobile-friendly” label allows you to position yourself in the search results, Google loves responsive sites

The ergonomics and quality of information on the website remain intact which offers a browsing experience.

A responsive, unique, 100% compatible design will avoid additional costs for creating another independent mobile site, thus avoiding duplication of content.

By removing the brakes related to poor legibility of the site, a responsive site optimizes the chances of driving the consumer to the act of purchase.

Adapt your existing site into responsive web design?

If you have not yet redesigned your site to a “mobile friendly” version, it’s time to do it, in 2018, nearly 90% of users who come to your site use a tablet or smartphone, so site not adapted to mobiles equal to lost Internet users. So be sure to offer an optimal experience to your mobile users!

Opt for the responsive web design solution to improve your SEO and attract new customers

Whatever your WordPress website, Showcase website, HTML5, E-commerce or blog, I have the necessary skills to take over your existing website, adapt it to mobiles and tablets and improve the loading and display time. same time.

contact me

Do you have a web project ?

It all starts by sending me a message to discuss your project.

As a professional web developer and programmer, your project has added value.

(+212) 7 00 69 79 20